Getting Started Guides
Are you new to genealogy? Rather than reinvent the wheel, we wanted to provide links to two regional societies that have done great work in providing advice to help you get started on the right track:
- Rock County Genealogical Society has a page devoted to 'Getting Started - A Beginner's Guide for New Family Researchers'
- McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society has a page entitled 'Genealogy Steps to Success'
In addition, MyHeritage is offering an Introduction to Genealogy Course FREE! The presenters are well-known lecturers in the genealogy community:
- Daniel Horowitz, the genealogy expert at MyHeritage
- Dana Drutman, Senior Product Manager, MyHeritage
- David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist, New England Historic Genealogical Society
- Ellen Kowitt, Jewish family history specialist
- James M. Beidler, author and genealogy consultant
- James Tanner, Professional Genealogist
- Mike Mansfield, director, Content Operations, MyHeritage
- Ran Snir, director, Product Management, MyHeritage
- Sharon Monson, Professional Genealogist and author
- Shauna Hicks, Australian family history researcher
- Thomas MacEntee, Professional Genealogist
Genealogy for Kids: Building a Family Tree - This website provides links to a host of resources for the beginner genealogist.
A Guide to Genealogy and Family History Research - EverPresent, a digitization company, manages a page on their website that is filled with useful links for someone just getting started.
Family Records Search Resources in Europe - A list of starter resources for 46 countries in Europe, collected by
A Guide to Genealogy and Family History Research - EverPresent, a digitization company, manages a page on their website that is filled with useful links for someone just getting started.
Family Records Search Resources in Europe - A list of starter resources for 46 countries in Europe, collected by